Fingerprint device for up to four (04) fingers

Sturdy and compact reader, of high electroluminescent technology, with phospor microparticles, capable of detecting strictly human fingers — that is, it rejects fake fingers and latent fingerprints. It allows the scanning of four (04) plain fingers, two (02) plain fingers or one (01) plain finger and one (01) rolled finger. With FAP60, it is able to capture images even with direct sunlight and dirty fingers. It has a traditional version with a user graphic interface with indicative LEDs (which visually aid the finger capture), and the Private Label version, which does not have this graphic interface. In accordance with FCC and CE standards, it is certified by the FBI (appendix F, PIV).

  • Technology: LES (light emitting sensor) Tecnologia eletroluminscente com sensor emissor de luz
  • Dimensions: Dimensões
  • Capture Area: 3.2” (W) x 3.0” (H) / 81.28 mm (W) 76.3 mm (H)
  • Capture Type: Four-finger flat and single-finger rolls (4-4-2)
  • Operating Temperature: -10° C to +55° C
  • Storage Temperature: -30° C to +60° C
  • Weight: 725 g
  • Resolution: 500 DPI
  • Gray Scale: 256 grayscale dynamic range (8 Bits)
  • Image Size: 1600 (W) x 1500 (H) pixels
  • Supported Image Formats: RAW, WSQ, BMP, JPEG2000 and PNG

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+55 41 3028 0222

+55 41 3028 0222