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Authentication & Recognition

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(Português do Brasil) Caixa Econômica Federal

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(Português do Brasil) Institutos de Identificação

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Voter Enrollment

The Superior Electoral Court initiated the Biometric Identification Program for the Brazilian voter in 2008, with the intention of adapting the technology and allowing more security to the country's statistics, allowing the uniqueness of the individual when voting.

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Authentication & Recognition

Acess Control

An access control system manages the movement of people in the internal areas of a condominium, company, commercial establishment, event, educational institution or any other place where access is restricted.

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(Português do Brasil) Caixa Econômica Federal

(Português do Brasil) Biometria no sistema financeiro

(Português do Brasil) Pensando em segurança e em tecnologia, bancos de diversos países aplicam a biometria para garantir transações seguras. Nossos sistemas são usados por grandes players do mercado financeiro do Brasil, como a Caixa Econômica Federal e o Banco do Brasil.

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(Português do Brasil) Institutos de Identificação

(Português do Brasil) Documentos de identidade

(Português do Brasil) Para a emissão da 1ª ou 2ª vias do Registro Geral, assim como em caso de perda, roubo ou extravio, nossos dispositivos estão presentes em Institutos de Identificação e em órgãos competentes para o cadastro e a emissão do RG em todo o país.

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Capture Devices

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Fingerprint Devices

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Signature PAD

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Capture Devices

AkysCam - 10

World’s first facial biometric capture device, developed for civil and criminal enrollment, for the emission of official documents (General Registry (RG), Driver’s License (CNH), passport).

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Fingerprint Devices


High-tech electroluminescent device, with phosphor microparticles, capable of detecting only human fingers — that is, it has FFD (Fake Finger Detection) in its SDK, for the rejection of fake fingers and latent fingerprints.

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Signature PAD


The AK560 Signature PAD is a compact, lightweight and ergonomically designed signature biometric collection device that ensures hand support during subscription.

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